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Continuing education courses are aimed at osteopaths and students of the CEO, CEOQ, CSO, CCO, SICO, DOK as well as members of Ostéopathie Québec (OQ), members of the FROP and osteopaths who have completed a program equivalent to that of the CEO or abroad (at the discretion of the CEO).

Take note that a $50 fee will be charged for any cancellation or error in your online registration.

Postgraduate courses

You can search by the name of one or more cities.
CEO Vancouver
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Anne Hartley, BPHE, CAT(C), D.O.M.P., D.Sc.O. (CA)

Assessment and Treatment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (Concussion) and Neuromengial Mobilizations of the Upper Quadrant.

  • Date: May, 24 to 26, 2024
  • Prerequisites: D.O., D.O.M.P., 4th-year students and up
  • Language: English
  • Code: CAUQV

Assessment and Treatment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (Concussion) (2 days)


A dynamic hands-on manual course designed for the osteopath who wants to learn new manual skills to assess and treat mild traumatic brain injuries (concussions) and their associated spinal pathology. The anatomy and physiology of concussions and the related dysfunctions will be reviewed. In partners, therapists will have an opportunity to test and practice specific manual and active treatment techniques for each type of concussion. The course will include activities for the patient to return to an active lifestyle and sport

The participants will gain knowledge and practical skills to:

  • Assess and treat impairments associated with brain injuries that relate to cranial nerves and spinal dysfunctions.
  • Practice manual techniques to regain accessory movements, stretch shortened muscle tissue, release fascia, and correct the mobility of the cervical and thoracic spine.
  • Assess and treat dysfunction of the cranial nerves.
  • Assess cranial dysfunctions and develop manual treatment techniques.
  • Evaluate the vestibular system and implement treatment methods.
  • Assess the visual disturbances and come up with a treatment approach for the patient.
  • Work with the autonomic nervous system to regain normal homeostasis in the cardiovascular system.
  • Educate the patient on exercises and changes to lifestyle to facilitate a return to an active lifestyle.

Neuromengial Mobilizations of the Upper Quadrant (1 day)


A dynamic hands-on manual course designed for the osteopath who wants to learn new manual skills to treat neural restrictions of the upper quadrant. This will include Butler’s flossing techniques for the upper limb (ULTT) including the ulnar, radial, and median nerves. Assessment and treatment of the neural pathology will be reviewed. Mobilization of other nerves of the limb will also be demonstrated and taught. The techniques will be practiced by partners. Case studies will also be included.

The participants will gain knowledge and practical skills to

  • Review the anatomy and pathology of neural structures of the upper quadrant.
  • Test for tension in the nerves of the upper quadrant right from the cervical spine and brachial plexus to the hand. This will include specific testing of the medial, ulnar, and radial nerves.
  • Develop manual treatment strategies for each of the nerves.
  • Design home and self-treatment exercises for the patient.

Additional information:

Course schedules: From 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

Location: 101-1150 Station St. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6A 4C7
32 participants maximum


Anne Hartley is a prominent Canadian athletic therapist (Hall of Fame, Emeritus), osteopathic manual practitioner, retired teacher of athletic therapy (Professor Emerita Sheridan College), and author. She is well known for her publications and manual therapy lectures and workshops. She has lectured and run workshops extensively in Canada, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, and Europe. She has been a member of Canadian medical teams for several Pan American games, paralympic, and international games. Anne still maintains an active clinical practice. She is a graduate of the Canadian College of Osteopathy with a diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice and a diploma in the Science of Osteopathy. Currently, she is writing a book on Burning Mouth Syndrome.

CEO Montreal
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  • Date: July 4 to 7,2024
  • Prerequisites: D.O., D.O.M.P., and Graduated Students
  • Language: French (translated in English)
  • Code: SCCM


The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is a vast network of nerves that connects the central nervous system to the rest of the body, carrying sensory and motor information:

  • 31 pairs of spinal nerves, originating in the spinal cord and extending to the limbs.
  • 12 pairs of cranial nerves, almost all of which originate in the nuclei of the brain stem.

In the literature, the term "peripheral neuropathy" is used to describe conditions in which one or more peripheral nerves are affected.

Peripheral neuropathies are responsible for a variety of sensory and/or motor symptoms, sometimes referred to as "ductal syndromes", linked to compressions in anatomical areas that are narrow to the nerve pathway.

So-called postural compressions occur in localized anatomical areas where the nerve is superficial and therefore also vulnerable to external compression.

The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy depend on the nerves affected and the severity of the lesion.

These definitions suggest that cranial nerves, each of which performs specific functions by transmitting centrifugal and/or centripetal, sensory and/or motor information, are also likely to be "compressed" on their endocranial or exocranial course, and to present symptoms related to the functions they perform.

We might call these compressions "cranial canal syndromes".

This course will use this definition to talk about "imprisonment neuropathies", a term coined by G. HALADAY, an American osteopath who defined the key points of possible compression of these nerves.

Course content:

  • Anatomy - Physiology - Semio-pathology of cranial nerves
  • Key points to be treated in osteopathy
  • Techniques related to these key points
  • For each cranial nerve, a discussion will be held to establish effective release techniques, taking into account the symptomatology and pathology.

The course is also open to chiropractors wishing to follow this training.

Additional information:

Course schedules: From 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

Location: Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques, 550 Av. Beaumont suite 500, H3N 1V1 Montréal (Québec)

CEO Toronto
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Pediatric osteopathy
"A journey through birth for a better understanding of a child's problems."

  • Date: July 11 to 14,2024
  • Prerequisites: D.O., D.O.M.P., and Graduated Students
  • Language: French translated in English
  • Code: POCDT

Pediatric osteopathy
"A journey through birth for a better understanding of a child's problems."



9.00 am:
Welcome of participants
Presentation of the instructor and his background
Discussion on quotes from AT Still, WG Sutherland, Rollin Becker, Viola Frymann, Arthur Hildreth etc...

9.30 am:
Particularities of pediatric osteopathy
How should the osteopath reason when faced with a newborn baby, an infant or "from the symptom to the anatomy, from the anatomy to the physiology, from the physiology to the semio-pathology, from the semio-pathology to the targeted osteopathic treatment".

10.00 am:
My story with Madame Viola Frymann
Film of a treatment by Madame Viola Frymann
The different presentations: their definitions and percentages
The maternal pelvis/fetal head conflict
What you need to know about the female pelvis and the child's head
Measurement of the pelvis and fetal head: models and applications
Reminder of the straits and movements of the female pelvis during childbirth

10.45am: Break

11.15 am:
Childbirth in, left occipito anterior (LOA): a physiological but sometimes disturbed act (eutocique or dystocique...) - The 4 phases
The average duration of a first birth
Spontaneous movements of the uterus
Fluid and bone processes during childbirth
Action of constraints on the bones of the skull and their osteopathic translation
Final dissertation by Marie-Victoria Lasseuguette
Animated films

1.00 pm -> 2.30 pm - Break

2.30 pm:
The different dystocies: osseous - maternal - foetal
Other presentations and their progressions: posterior right occipitoiliac (PRO)- FACE-SHOULDER-SEAT (PODALIC)-GEMELLAR - Animated films
Intrauterine growth retardation
Prematurity: definitions, stages - Calculation of corrected age

4.15 pm: Break

4.45 pm:
Preferential positions
Redeployment of the base and arch bones
Overlapping arch bones: how to observe, palpate and treat them

6.00 pm: End of the day


9.00 am:
Characteristics of the newborn skull
Measurements and how to take them
Development of the cephalic sphere in newborns and children
Embryological reminders
Growth and ossification of the skull bones over time
Development of the newborn and child from 0 to 5 years of age

10.45am: Break

11.15 am:
Paediatric osteopathic consultation
The health record, anamnesis, questioning, observation, palpation etc...
Simple and reliable neurological tests to be carried out during an osteopathic pediatric consultation
Standard consultation form for newborn babies
Examination of the newborn and child by the osteopath
Pain and discomfort in newborn babies: how to measure them
How to approach a newborn and child

1.00 pm -> 2.30 pm - Break

2.30 pm -> 6.00 pm:
The rest of the course involves theoretical and practical sequences on observation, existing symptoms, palpation, osteopathic diagnosis and treatment according to tradition (SUTHERLAND-MAGOUN-FRYMANN etc...) of the various following points:

  • Overlapping sutures
  • Intraosseous lesions of the sacrum
  • Occiput impingement on Atlas: impact on the condylar parts and the environment, and related symptoms
  • Different types of compression (Posteroanterior - Transversal - Diagonal), associated symptoms
  • Primary dysfunctions of the SSB and skull morphologies, and related symptoms
  • Intraosseous lesions of the occiput, sphenoid, temporal bone and maxilla.
  • Diaphragms
  • The dorsal zone
  • Reciprocal Tension Membranes
  • Fascial unwinding and membrane winding: why-when-how
  • Approach to immune treatment


In the context of each problem, we will study the strategic points to be treated in the most frequently encountered pathologies, in no particular order.

We will look at general or local atony or spasticity-regurgitation-sleep disorders-frequent crying and screaming-agitation-spasms-false routes-ear, nose and throat and respiratory problems (rhinitis-rhinopharyngitis-otitis-bronchiolitis-bronchitis-asthma etc.... ) - infant colic - vicious attitudes - infant atopic eczema - immune problems - static disorders (flat feet - single or bilateral genus valgus - scoliotic attitude - scoliosis - cyphosis etc.) - concentration disorders - dyslexia - language delays - psychomotor delays - asthenic habitus etc....


9.00 am:
Positional plagiocephaly (POPP)...and other cranial positional deformities...epidemiology - orthopaedic treatment - attempt at osteopathic understanding
Craniostenosis: definitions - early diagnosis - consequences
Hypotheses on the appearance of craniostenosis.
Surgical treatment of proven craniostenosis
Power Point presentation on craniostenosis operations

10.30 a.m. Break

10.45am - 11.45am
Treatment of a child or video of a treatment
Explanation of the case with detailed analysis
Discussion Questions/Answers

11:45 am -> noon
Treatment of a child or video of a treatment
Explanation of the case with detailed analysis
Discussion Questions/Answers
Answers to participants' questions
Conclusion of the seminar

Depending on the availability of children to be treated and the times when they will be able to attend, this program may be modified to fit them in.



Additional information:

Course schedules: From 9.00 am to 6.00 pm / Last day from 9:00 a.m. to noon

Location: 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Unit 900 Toronto, ON, M4P 2Y3

CEO Toronto
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Paul Evans, D.O.

Dysfunction of the pelvis and hip - A myofascial approach (AFR- Applied Fascial Release) & therapeutic exercises.

  • Date: October 4 to 6, 2024
  • Prerequisites: D.O., D.O.M.P., Graduated Students
  • Language: English
  • Code: AFRT

Dysfunction of the pelvis and hip - A myofascial approach (AFR- Applied Fascial Release) & therapeutic exercises

The pelvic region is the source for many patients suffering from lower back pain, hip bursitis, SI dysfunction, and leg pain. In some cases, symptoms seem slow to respond or not at all. Successful treatment of these patients comes from a complete understanding of how various tissues such as the myofascial, visceral fascia as well as muscle imbalance can be at the root cause. Being able to restore these tissues to proper function in your clinical practice is of vital importance in achieving the successful outcomes you strive for.

What will you learn?

This course will help you assess and work various fascial and myofascial tissues that, when tight or dysfunctional, chronically influence lumbo-pelvic-hip function. This can set the stage for decreased range of motion, weakness, and pain. Thirty years of experience has led to a set of invaluable hands-on skills that will be shared with you so you can combine these with your existing practice and achieve even greater results with your clients!


  • Discuss muscular and fascial anatomy related to the pelvis, lumbar region, and hip.
  • Discuss typical pelvic imbalances and how muscle, abdominal fascia and myofascial restrictions can cause pain, limited range of motion, weakness, and movement dysfunction of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex.
  • Assess muscle imbalance using specific muscle flexibility and strength tests and understand their role in pelvic and hip dysfunction.
  • Examine corrective exercises for specific muscle dysfunctions.
  • Develop and enhance palpatory skills related to the abdominal fascia and myofascial of the pelvic region, lumbar spine, and hip so you can identify and target these areas with corrective techniques and exercises.
  • Understand how to normalize typical iliac dysfunctions using the secrets of the muscular and myofascial systems.
  • Understand how to use functional movement assessment such as a squat to help identify the source of lumbar, pelvic, and hip dysfunction.
  • Understand how to apply the concepts and techniques learned in the course to other areas of the body.

In summary, this course has been found to be a game-changer to many osteopaths and health care professionals who seek superior results for their clients. Our goal is to ensure that you too will feel that sense of empowerment and greater vision upon completing this training!

Additional information:

Course schedules: From 8.30 am to 5.30 pm

Location: 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Unit 900 Toronto, ON, M4P 2Y3


Paul Evans is a certified athletic therapist, licensed osteopath, member of Osteopathy Québec, and professor of osteopathy. With over 30 years of experience in the world of sports therapy and helping patients return to a healthy lifestyle, Paul provides an educational experience brimming with a passion for becoming better with your hands and learning practical, time-tested, successful approaches. Learn his AFR (Applied Fascial Release) system which combines a detailed knowledge of muscular function, testing, myofascial anatomy, biomechanics, as well as specific myofascial palpation and techniques for greater patient outcomes.

3 day seminar with Course Notes (PowerPoint document link available for all participants prior to the course date); a video seminar will be sent to each participant approximately one month prior to the course that will provide the anatomy, biomechanics and theory necessary to successfully navigate the practical portion of the seminar

CEO Toronto
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Paul Evans, D.O.

The Road to Mastery; Dysfunction of the Shoulder & Scapular Girdle - A Myofascial Approach (AFR- Applied Fascial Release) & Therapeutic Exercises.

  • Date: November 14 to 17, 2024
  • Prerequisites: D.O., D.O.M.P. Graduated Students
  • Language: English
  • Code: AFRV

The Road to Mastery; Dysfunction of the Shoulder & Scapular Girdle - A Myofascial Approach (AFR- Applied Fascial Release) & Therapeutic Exercises.

The shoulder is one of the more complex structures of the body. Highly mobile, it relies heavily on the balance of the muscles and fascia that surround it. Understanding the myofascial anatomy and its influence on the biomechanics of the glenohumeral, sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular and scapulothoracic joints is essential in unravelling many of the shoulder problems plaguing your patients. This 4-day course is an in-depth look at evaluating and treating the myofascia through observation, palpation, muscle tests, kinematics and effective myofascial techniques. Each participant will learn how to find and treat myofascial dysfunctions quickly and effectively. Enable your patients to return to a normal and healthy lifestyle as quickly as possible with this sought after seminar!


Learn the most common reasons for pain in the shoulder joint! We will help you discover how to distinguish each and show you how to unlock their successful recovery.

Did you know that the shoulder joint is the most unstable of the body and depends entirely on a balance of the muscles that surround it? To be fully prepared to help your shoulder patients, it is essential to have a complete understanding of the shoulder girdle muscular and myofascial systems as well as possess the tools to address their dysfunctions.

Do you know how to interpret different dysfunctional movements of the gleno-humeral and scapulo-thoracic joints and how to develop effective osteopathic treatments to address them? This course may be for you!

Did you know that the majority of people over the age of 40 will develop some form of rotator cuff problem? Learning the AFR approach can help you lead these people to finding the pain relief they are looking for.

If you are like most osteopaths, you have a lot of patients complaining of shoulder problems. Do you feel well equipped to provide advice for home tips and exercises to help the most common of dysfunctions resolve as quickly as possible?

The AFR approach may offer the tools you have been looking for to answer these questions and MORE to enhance your client satisfaction!

Feedback and satisfaction:

Do you know that hundreds of osteopaths have taken this course already and that there is an overwhelmingly common comment? "We wish we would could have taken this course years ago!!"

Here are some comments from the latest courses:

"I really enjoyed this course! It meets a need as a concrete and effective tool in my practice. Many thanks and I look forward to taking another AFR course."

"I really appreciated this course and the calm way in which Paul teaches. There is a lot of palpatory validation which I found very helpful. Very enriching course that I look forward to implementing at the office tomorrow."

"Paul’s experience and passion are contagious. I am excited about applying all of this new knowledge and techniques. I could think of many patients that I can apply this to right away."

"This is my third AFR course. I think these courses have made me a much more effective osteopath. A lot of concrete examples used to help understand how to apply the material. Very happy to have taken a course that is based on solid foundations of anatomy, biomechanics, using scientific studies to validate."

"This course was excellent! Offered valuable information and insights. Paul demonstrates a commendable depth of knowledge and a willingness to share it objectively. Overall, a great training experience!"

Additional information:

Course schedules: From 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

Location: 101-1150 Station St. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6A 4C7

32 participants maximum


Paul Evans is a certified athletic therapist, licensed osteopath, member of Osteopathy Québec, and professor of osteopathy. With over 30 years of experience in the world of sports therapy and helping patients return to a healthy lifestyle, Paul provides an educational experience brimming with a passion for becoming better with your hands and learning practical, time-tested, successful approaches. Learn his AFR (Applied Fascial Release) system which combines a detailed knowledge of muscular function, testing, myofascial anatomy, biomechanics, as well as specific myofascial palpation and techniques for greater patient outcomes.

4 day seminar with Course Notes (PowerPoint document link available for all participants prior to the course date); a video seminar will be sent to each participant approximately one month prior to the course that will provide the anatomy, biomechanics and theory necessary to successfully navigate the practical portion of the seminar

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Gaël Würz-Minetti, D.O.

Biokinetic and biodynamic teachings in osteopathy - course 2: Fluid Dynamics

  • Date: October 4 to 6, 2024
  • Prerequisites: D.O. or D.O.M.P. who have done course 1.
  • Language: English
  • Code: BBS2V

Biokinetic and biodynamic teachings in osteopathy - course 2: Fluid Dynamics

Teachings of rené Briend, D.O. By Gaël Würz-minetti, D.O.

Gaël Würz-Minetti, D.O. offers insightful perspectives on the teachings of René Briend, D.O. in biokinetics and biodynamics in osteopathy course 2.


Our body water percentage is approximately 75%; we are essentially water in motion. Those fluids are propelled by well-known mechanical factors, but also by inherent biokinetic forces, our vital forces moving at the tempo of the medium tide and biodynamic forces, which refer to the long tide of the Breath of Life.

This is why the term "hydro-fluidic body" refers to both liquids and energetic fluids.

It is crucial to address our entire body's hydro-fluidic system because it reacts to traumatic, toxic, or emotional shocks that can greatly affect our immune and endocrine systems, as well as our energy levels.

In this course, we will explore three different approaches that are considered gems:

  • The evaluation and treatment of fluidic fluctuations. This includes assessing the longitudinal central fluctuation along the spinal canal, which W.G. Sutherland referred to as "the river of life" where transmutation occurs, as well as the multi-directional centro-lateral fluctuation throughout the entire hydro-fluidic body. We will also learn how to disengage local inertial states and restore healthy physiological fluid fluctuations.
  • The Automatic Shifting of the fluids fluctuations. This is a product of the therapeutic process that René Briend D.O. revisited from a previous approach described by a student of W.G Sutherland D.O. This process involves allowing the breath of life to interact within the hydro-fluidic body, which helps to release areas of inertia, tension, and osteopathic dysfunctions. The process results in bringing the entire hydro-fluidic body to a state of suspended immobility.
  • Finally, we'll look at how to balance the yin and yang aspects of our vital forces, known respectively as soft inherent potency and vectorial inherent potency. This imbalance usually contributes to states of sympathy when soft inherent potency is condensed around the anterior generator of vital forces, along the paravertebral ganglion chain.

The whole biokinetic and biodynamic approach of osteopathy is based on courses 1 and 2. The tools learned in those seminars are necessary for the subsequent courses developed by René Briend.

Additional information:

Course schedules: From 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

Location: 101-1150 Station St. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6A 4C7

32 participants maximum

CEO Winnipeg
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Geneviève Forget, D.O.

The brain, neuroplasticity and the effectiveness of osteopathy Endocranial spasms of traumatic origin - stage I

  • Date: September 5 to 8, 2024
  • Prerequisites: D.O., D.O.M.P., and 5th year student (successfully completed)
  • Language: English
  • Code: SECW01

The brain, neuroplasticity and the effectiveness of osteopathy Endocranial spasms of traumatic origin - stage I

Treatment of concussions and the physical and behavioral sequelae of direct and indirect shocks from vascular, toxic and infectious injuries affecting the brain and spinal cord

Hello everyone,

It is with great enthusiasm that we will begin a new training season on endocranial dynamics and neuronal plasticity, within a systemic and psychosomatic interactions approach. This training is useful and effective for all types of chronic or complex conditions involving the nervous system and its interrelations.

You will learn to work on the tissue, fluid and fields aspect of the matter, while specifically addressing the cord and brain dysfunction related to different kinds of impacts and influences. This work is greatly appreciated and valuable at any age; starting from newborns and infants following various impacts during fetal development, pregnancy and birth, through life’s various injuries and experiences including concussions and strokes, all the way to the consequences of the aging process and palliative care.

It’s still possible to get on board!

You can follow the Spasms 1 training in September in Winnipeg, and then continue the series, in the various campuses as announced. Looking forward to sharing this work with you!

Geneviève Forget D.O.

Definition of endocranial spasm

This name was given by Philippe Druelle, D.O. in 1982 to define an area of the brain affected or reacting to a direct or indirect physical, emotional, or transgenerational trauma of the brain and/or the spinal cord. This area becomes inhibited and dysfunctional with sequelae in the overall physiology of the body and human behavior.


Geneviève Forget, D.O. will give an introduction to the different types of endocranial dysfunction in relation to the different levels of the subject, and present clinical methodology for alleviating lesions of the spinal cord and brain.

She will teach ways to appreciate and address the nervous, vascular and ventricular systems of patients with sequelae of physical, vascular or physical stress or trauma.

This workshop is exciting because it enables us to dialogue with the different parts of the brain in a precise, rational and effective way. It focuses on methodology and clinical applications to facilitate the integration of this program into everyday practice. Part of this teaching will also address physical and emotional imprints, the notion of anchoring described by Philippe Druelle and how to normalize them.

This seminar is highly appreciated, as it also enables participants to directly modify cranial and spinal dynamics, enabling healthier functions at both physical and behavioral levels.

Geneviève Forget, D.O. has carried out extensive research into the workings of endocranial spasms, and has won a clinical research award on the subject. Philippe Druelle, D.O., founder of this approach, is internationally recognized for his work in osteopathy and for the techniques he has developed since 1982 to increase the brain's systemic activity, the dynamics of the lateral ventricles and 3rd ventricle, the free circulation of fluids and energies, and the vascular dynamics in the brain and spinal cord.

Additional information:

Course schedules: From 8.30 am to 5.30 pm

Location: CCO - Winnipeg Wellington College - 435 Berry Street, Winnipeg Manitoba R3J 1N6

CEO Montreal
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David Lachaize, D.O.

The specificity of tissue structural adjustments - upper body

  • Date: From October 3 to 6, 2024
  • Prerequisites: D.O., D.O.M.P., 4th-year students and up
  • Language: French translated English
  • Code: ASTM02

The specificity of tissue structural adjustments Celebrating the tradition for 149 Years A soft, precise, and efficient touch


This excellent osteopath has developed a fascinating work in osteoarticular adjustments specific to osteopathy because he respects all the concepts and principles. His seminars are appreciated for their gentleness and dialogue with the tissues, and because this work is very comfortable for the patient.

The goal is to achieve a perfect unity between the patient and the osteopath, a symbiosis, during the osteopathic adjustment. "The work of tissue presence goes far beyond the hands and uses the presence of our entire body.” For this, David Lachaize has set up a precise learning and adapted pedagogy illustrated by specific exercises, aiming to use the tissue presence and the feeling of the lesion during the process of the osteopathic adjustment. The quality of this workshop is to guide the participants with ease toward the precise gesture, in an effective dialogue with the tissues.

He has always refused the idea of having a blind force imposed from outside to put the joints back in place. David Lachaize works gently and relies on neurophysiological bases, tending to modify locally and remotely the quality of the tissue by reflex. The osteopathic therapeutic gesture is a precise solicitation; nothing is imposed.

Practical program

  • Tissue tests: thoracic, cervical and upper limb
  • Discussion of osteopathic cervical manipulations
  • General position for osteopathic manipulation of the cervical region - work first on the C5 position.
  • General position for osteopathic manipulation of the thoracic region
  • Exercises to work in impulse
  • Discussion
  • Development in the cervical and upper thoracic regions
  • C7 /T1
  • T1 /T2/T3: flexion, extension
  • C1 lateral
  • T1/T2/T3 : 2 different techniques in rotation
  • Some wrist techniques
  • Develop on cervical techniques: anterior and lateral techniques
  • First rib
  • Discussion

A worthwhile seminar. Lots of softness and precision, and very comfortable for patients.


David Lachaize obtained his state diploma as a physiotherapist in 1992 and his osteopathic diploma in 2000 from the School of Osteopathy in Geneva. He then completed a DU in applied anatomy to clinical examination and imaging in 2007 at the Faculty of Medicine of Versailles, and a master’s degree in education, and training engineering in 2016 at the University of Aix Marseille.

He has been practicing osteopathy in a liberal clinic near Aix-en-Provence since 2000. He has been teaching "structural tissue” osteopathy in various schools, and postgraduate training structures since 2007 in France and abroad.

To distinguish himself from traditional structural osteopathy that he does not practice, and with which he does not share all ideas, he decides to create the concept of "structural-tissue manipulation”. A registered name that qualifies for this form of technicality. This concept combines structural manipulation with an energetic thrust, and the notion of very precise tissue presence. The technique is then implemented within the tissue itself, in communication with it, and not with the help of external parameters such as levers, for example.

He has since developed the teaching of this type of manipulation in various training structures. Videos of technical demonstrations are available on YouTube.

David Lachaize is the founder and manager of Ostéo-Évolution.

Additional information:

Course schedules: From 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

Location:Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques, 550 Av. Beaumont suite 500, H3N 1V1 Montréal (Québec)

CEO Montreal
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Jane Eliza Stark, MS, D.O.M.P.

The Forgotten Techniques of William Garner Sutherland

  • Date: September, 26 to 29, 2024
  • Prerequisites: D.O., D.O.M.P., graduates and students in 4th year and up
  • Language: English (translated in French)
  • Code: FTWGSM

The Forgotten Techniques of William Garner Sutherland


During William Garner Sutherland’s first 30 years in practice, he employed a variety of direct techniques. Some were developed based on his personal observations of patients experiencing lingering symptoms of the 1918 Influenza pandemic. He theorized that their symptoms were caused by a tissue tension problem, which he dubbed "anterior tensity.” He reasoned that increased tension impeded fluid flow. His mechanically-based approach-the subject of this workshop-was aimed at restoring optimal fluid


This workshop brings William Garner Sutherland and his pre-cranial ideas to life. Following the presentation of a colourful biographical sketch of Sutherland, an explanation of the physiological consequences of influenza and pneumonia is offered. Then, Sutherland’s observation of "anterior tensity” is explained. Thirty of Sutherland’s rarely taught techniques for remedying this abnormal tension and its far-reaching effects are demonstrated and practiced. Among the regions of his focus are the thorax (spine, ribs, and diaphragm); pelvis (bony and visceral); neck (bony and visceral); lumbar area (mainly muscular); and shoulder girdle (scapula and clavicle). Of great importance will be an explanation of how Sutherland traced anterior tensity into the cranium.

Once the bodily anterior tensity was lessened, Sutherland turned his attention to the cranium. In this area, his brilliance as an osteopath is evident. In his view, cranial inertia (not caused by trauma) resulted from the cranium’s excessive expansion. This expansion caused tension of the membranes, ultimately leading to fluid stasis. The reason for this association will be explained in the workshop.

Sutherland’s techniques are simple in application yet powerful in results. Ideas on how to employ his approach in current-day practice will be the shared.

The remainder of the workshop is technique-based, with each technique being supported by anatomical and, where applicable, biomechanical theory. In many cases, the patient’s assistance is required. This ensures that the technique is safe, as the patient is always in control. Due to the simplistic nature of the technique application, ample time is available for questions and practice.

The techniques include

  1. "Turtle #1" - for posterior condyles
  2. "Turtle #2" - for the atlanto-axial articulation
  3. Cervical Spine Technique - in seated position, for anterior tensity
  4. Cervical Spine Technique - in supine position, for articulations
  5. "Flatfoot of the Back" - for thoracic anterior tensity
  6. Thoracic Spine Technique - general approach
  7. "Sacro-iliac of the Shoulder" - for the acromioclavicular joint; brilliant yet easy
  8. Serratus Anterior Alternative
  9. Springing the Scapula
  10. Posterior Rib
  11. "Pouring Water on the Fire" - indirect
  12. "Pouring Water on the Fire" - direct
  13. 12th Rib
  14. Psoas Tendon Lift - option 1 & 2
  15. Obturator Internus Tendon Lift
  16. Lumbo-sacral
  17. "Bolt on the Nut"
  18. "Tilting the Pelvic Bowl” - versatile, amazing, easy
  19. Self-experiment
  20. "Anterior Tensity” - first cranial technique
  21. "Cuckoo Clock” - second cranial technique
  22. "Wiggling the Pterygoids" - one of his most brilliant techniques
  23. Orbital Drainage
  24. Zygomatic Lift
  25. Assessment of Cranial Expansive State
  26. Expansive Accommodation - not to be missed
  27. Expansive Technique
  28. Expansive External Rotation - petrous portion
  29. Venus Sinus Technique - completely unlike that taught at the CCO
  30. Facial Bones - for expansive state
  31. Sacro-iliac Joint (if time permits)

What you will be able to achieve during the workshop

  • Greater appreciation for William Garner Sutherland-the man and the osteopath
  • Greater appreciation for the pre-cranial period of Sutherland’s career and contribution
  • Understanding of "anterior tensity”, including its impact on fluid flow
  • Understanding of the Great Pandemic of 1918
  • Recognition of how to treat regions of the body that exhibit anterior tensity
  • Understanding of why indirect approaches are contraindicated for anterior tensity, according to Sutherland
  • Understanding of how to apply Sutherland’s "bolt and nut principle”
  • Understanding of how Sutherland developed his initial cranial ideas
  • Realization that Sutherland’s early theories and corresponding techniques can be of great benefit in a modern-day manual-based osteopathic practice

Additional information:

Course schedules: From 9.00 am to 6.00 pm, last day from 9 a.m. to noon.

Location:Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques, 550 Av. Beaumont suite 500, H3N 1V1 Montréal (Québec)

CEO Montreal
Stacks Image 20350
David Lachaize, D.O.


  • Date: From September 29 to October 1
  • Prerequisites: D.O., D.O.M.P., 4th-year students and up
  • Language: French translated English
  • Code: HDLM01


3 days course

Problems attributed to herniated lumbar discs are very common in our practices. Sciatalgia and true sciatica are recurrent, and it's important to know the difference between the two before attributing responsibility for a clinical picture to this symptomatology.

The classic medical "arsenal" is limited to analgesics and anti-inflammatories, and has no influence on the cause of the clinical signs. Before a rare, but possible, referral to neurosurgical treatment, it is essential to offer simple, objective, rapid and often highly effective osteopathic treatment.

It therefore seems essential to be able to make a precise diagnosis in relation to a clinical picture, and to propose appropriate and controlled technical gestures. This involves, on the one hand, osteopathic treatment targeting the intervertebral disc and its structural lesion, and on the other, reintegrating this lesional system into an osteopathic (de)structuring globality with a view to efficient function.


  • Perform a precise osteopathic manual diagnosis
  • Develop disc tissue perception
  • Acquire a local, precise and effective technique for the lumbar intervertebral disc
  • Propose a broader technical pathway, aiming to reintegrate the disc system within a global osteopathic approach.



  • Welcome, why this course?
  • Essential anatomical, physiological and pathophysiological reminders
  • Classification of lumbar disc herniations
  • Clinical symptoms
  • Concept of connective tissue
  • Notion of structure
  • Notion of biotensegrity
  • Notions of attention and presence
  • Principles of osteopathic disc work. What do we do, what do we act on?
  • Tests: Clinical / General / Local tissue
Afternoon session:
  • Proposed osteopathic therapeutic paths. Different models
  • Notion acute/chronic
  • Adaptation of the "lumbar disc herniation absorption technique" developed by Alain Géhin
  • Author's presentation
  • Theoretical concept of the technique
  • Progression and pedagogical construction of the technique in practice, training
  • Variations according to location


Morning :
  • Review of local tissue tests and gestural relevance
  • Structural disc technique : decubitus and procubitus Theoretical aims, practical implementation, training
  • Disc opening technique
  • Active opening technique
  • Local recoil
  • Notion of energy and vibration
Afternoon session :
  • Structural manipulative techniques? Yes or No? Which techniques, in which cases, when?
  • Proposed "Structural Tissue Manipulation" techniques according to David Lachaize: Lumbar and sacrum
  • Brief theoretical concept
  • Technical parameters and training
  • Discussion


Morning :
  • Working with L2
    • Interest and theoretical justification. Adapted timing
    • Suggested thrust and non-thrust techniques
  • Work on the T12/L1 hinge
    • Interest and theoretical justification. Adapted timing
    • Suggested thrust and non-thrust techniques
  • Diaphragm techniques - 3 techniques
  • Consideration of anterior visceral volume and benefits of work in disc lesions
Afternoon :
  • On-demand revision
  • Theory: proposed global osteopathic pathway and structures to investigate in the treatment of lumbar disc herniations:
    • Axis: coccyx to occiput
    • Subtalar and postural balance
    • Skull
    • Fluid and air volumes
  • Recommended lifestyle habits